Friday, July 5, 2013

10 Steps to be an Art collector

If you want to collect something interesting and wonderful, you should start with art collectibles. You can transform items into art collectibles by adding some patterns or painting them. People will collect everything as long as they have art on them: from saw blades to wooden eggs, some people collect rugs as a form of art. Badford Exchange creates limited edition objects which are considered by many to be valuable collectibles: plates, thimbles, figurines, and even Christmas ornaments. Let's not forget another category, the ones who collect fine art paintings.

Reasons to collect art
Everybody who starts collecting art find out sooner or later that they have their own favorite artists and objects. Their collection may be focused only on one artist, or it may include various names from past to present. Another type of collection is the one based on the person's favorite theme like cigars, animals, or piano music.
The definition of the art collector is not a rich person who is able to spend large amounts of money on famous paintings; everybody can collect art even if they don't have such a big budget. Post cards are a wonderful thing to start with and many places offer a big variety of them; if you want to buy postcards you should try a museum gift shop and start your beautiful postcard collection.

7. Do not rule out the possibility of making a great find at second hand stores, garage and estate sales. You may be able to find a great deal. Occasionally you will see a news spot where someone has found something of great value at such sales.

Search art on eBay
No matter what type of art you like, eBay is the right place you should check out. They have everything! Also, the option menu and the choices can be too much for a novice so try to take it easy at first. eBay lets you sell thing you already have, but you can also buy a lot of collectibles from there. If you want to keep your spending low, try buying from there or try garage sales, flea markets, and thrift shops because some people might sell valuable things for a collector.
Best thing about art is that you can find it all over the world. A good idea is to search for art in your own town in parts like: museums, artist's hangouts, or art shows- these can be very useful if you search for low price art. Travel souvenirs are also a form of art and this can be proved by Linda Barnicott, an artist who paints scenes, buildings, and landmarks from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Keep in mind that every place hides one or more local artists.

Collecting art makes you get more involved in life matters and it's also a great way to decorate your house with beautiful art pieces. You could be a great art collector if you like to be surrounded with lovely, quality things.

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